Tag Archives: Asylum seekers
7 December 2014
The rise of migrants and asylum seekers crossing the Mediterranean Sea in the last few months has resulted in a global crisis that calls for a global humanitarian response. François Crépeau, UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants, said: “This requires a new and concerted strategic approach by European states and the international community”. (more…)
Source: UN News Centre | ‘Turning blind eye not a solution’ to Mediterranean migrant crisis – UN rights expert
20 November 2014
Following the announcement by the Australian government to lower the yearly quota of refugees applying from Indonesia, Foreign Ministry spokesman Michael Tene said “Indonesia will monitor closely the implication of the implementation of this new policy and should it have adverse implication to the interests of Indonesia, then necessary measures will be taken in due course to protect our interests.” (more…)
Source: The Jakarta Post | RI to monitor impact of new Australian asylum seeker policy
3 June 2014
A confidential report that was obtained by The Guardian Australia documents the desperate state of healthcare for families in Australian detention facilities on Nauru. The report writes that children on Nauru do not receive an adequate health screening and that up to 50 percent of them could carry latent tuberculosis. Furthermore, it raises serious worries that Nauru does not have a child protection framework in place, that there is a significant risk that children are sexually abused and that most pregnant women have a depression. (more…)
Source: The Guardian | Nauru detention: serious health risks to children revealed in confidential report
Source: The Guardian | Nauru: Human Rights Commission will accept leaked report as evidence
21 May 2014
Mirjam van Reisen, Professor of International Social Responsibility at Tilburg University and expert in the field of human trafficking, has published a report that documents how the Eritrean government is on a high level involved in the trafficking of its own citizens. Van Reisen says that generals of the Eritrean army are responsible for smuggling Eritreans across the border. She thinks that because of the involvement of the Eritrean government in human trafficking, the Netherlands should break all diplomatic relations with Eritrea. (more…)
Source: NRC | ‘Overheid Eritrea zelf betrokken bij mensenhandel’
29 April 2014
On 29 April 2014, Human Rights Watch released a report in which it says that Bulgaria summarily returns Syrians, Afghans, and others from within Bulgaria and at the border with Turkey.
In order to prevent further arrivals, Bulgaria deployed an additional 1,500 police officers at the Turkish border. Frontex, the European Union’s border control agency, has also supplied guest guards from various EU member states. (more…)
Source: Human Rights Watch | Bulgaria: Asylum Seekers Summarily Expelled
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