

Sharing Responsibility Between Non-State Actors and States in International Law: Introduction

Jean d'Aspremont, André Nollkaemper, Ilias Plakokefalos and Cedric Ryngaert

There exists a range of situations where non-state actors and states can possibly share responsibility for their contribution to harmful outcomes, thereby raising a multitude of questions on the determination, content and implementation of responsibility in such a scenario. It … Read more


13 December 2013

SHARES/UU/KU Leuven Seminar on Shared Responsibility and Organised Non-State Actors

On Friday 13 December, the seminar ‘Shared Responsibility and Organised Non-State Actors’ will be held in Utrecht.

The seminar seeks to address the problem that while organised non-state actors (ONSAs) may cause harm in conjunction with states, international organisations and/or other ONSAs, international law does not provide for a clear concept of (shared) responsibility of ONSAs.

The aim of the seminar is threefold: first, to discuss whether the absence of established concepts and principles relating to shared responsibility of ONSAs is problematic; second, to identify patterns in practice that may allow for ONSAs to be held co-responsible; and third, to reflect on conceptual grounds and consequences of this type of co-responsibility for the law on international responsibility as a whole. (more…)


23 June 2015

SHARES collection of articles on Organised Non-State Actors published in NILR

The collection of articles on Organised Non-State Actors (edited by Jean d’Aspremont, André Nollkaemper, Ilias Plakokefalos and Cedric Ryngaert) has been published in: (2015) 62 Netherlands International Law Review 49-160. The collection was organised with support of the research project on Shared Responsibility in International Law (SHARES) at the Amsterdam Center for International Law (ACIL) of the University of Amsterdam, the Utrecht Centre for Accountability and Liability Law, and the Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies. A SHARES/UU/KU Leuven Seminar on ‘Shared Responsibility and Organised Non-State Actors’ was held in Utrecht on 13 December 2013. (more…)

Source: Springer Link | Netherlands International Law Review | Volume 62, Issue 1, April 2015

12 January 2013

Call for papers: Consequences of the Responsibility of Non-State Actors in International Law

A call for papers has been issued for a conference on the Consequences of the Responsibility of Non-State Actors in International Law, which will be held on 27-28 June 2013 in Vancouver.

Source: Call for Papers: Consequences of the Responsibility of Non-State Actors in International Law
