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14 October 2014
During a visit to the Garamba National Park, top UN official Mr. Martin Kobler, who heads the UN Organisation Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO), urged national and international actors to step up efforts in preserving the natural resources and rich biodiversity of the park located in the north-eastern part of the country. (more…)
Source: UN News Centre | DR Congo: UN envoy urges increased efforts to protect biodiversity of Garamba Park
14 October 2014
After decades of negotiations the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-Sharing received its final necessary ratification and entered into force, enhancing opportunities for the equitable sharing of benefits of the world’s biodiversity. (more…)
Source: UN News Centre | FEATURE: UN biodiversity pact seeks to ensure fair, transparent use of world’s genetic resources
14 October 2014
Senior UN officials warned that the virus is ‘far ahead’ of the global response as it is morphing from a local to an international crisis requiring all countries to scale up efforts and financial commitments to bring an end to the scourge. (more…)
Source: UN News Centre | 'We are late, but not too late to fight and win this battle,' against Ebola – UN
7 October 2014
An analysis conducted by Conflict Armament Research, a London-based organisation that is collecting evidence of weaponry used by the Islamic State, has recently uncovered 21 nations as sources of ISIS’s ammunition- with more than 80 percent of the ammunition having been manufactured in the USA, China, the Former Soviet Union, post-Soviet Russia and Serbia. A small sample of cartridges, including ammunition manufactured as recently as 2013, was found to be of Iranian origins. (more…)
Source: The New York Times | ISIS’ Ammunition Is Shown to Have Origins in U.S. and China
1 October 2014
In attempting to seal their borders, European nations are facing an ‘impossible’ task, the UN independent expert on the human rights of migrants wrote in an open letter to the EU’s Committee on Fundamental Rights and Freedoms, as he encouraged the EU to identify new legal channels of migration in an effort to save lives. ‘Sealing international borders is impossible, and migrants will continue arriving despite all efforts to stop them, at a terrible cost in lives and suffering’, Special Rapporteur François Crépeau wrote. (more…)
Source: UN News Centre | UN expert urges European nations to rethink policies as migration-related deaths rise
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