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15 April 2015

SHARES News Items Overview: 16 March 2015-15 April 2015

This is our News Items Overview of 16 March 2015-15 April 2015, a summary of recent news relating to shared responsibility. (more…)

14 April 2015

Executive Director of the UNODC: ‘balanced approach, addressing supply and demand, in a spirit of shared responsibility, is needed’ to combat wildlife crime

‘Wildlife and forest crime … has the potential, not only to devastate the environment, but also to undermine the social, political and economic well-being of societies, while generating billions of dollars for criminal gangs and sustaining their illicit activities’, General Assembly President Sam Kutesa told a high-level event held as part of the 13th UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice. (more…)

Source: UN News Centre | Doha: UN conference stresses grave need to combat wildlife crime

10 April 2015

UN Secretary-General on the Yarmouk refugee camp: ‘It is time for concerted action to save lives and restore a measure of humanity’

On 9 April 2015, the Secretary-General made the remarks at a press encounter on ‘the rapidly deteriorating situations in Yemen and Syria – where countless civilians are being willfully abandoned to misery’. (more…)

Source: UNSG | Off the Cuff | Secretary-General's remarks at press encounter [scroll down for Q&A] | New York, 9 April 2015

30 March 2015

Secretary-General: ‘Peacekeeping is a shared global responsibility that advances the world’s common interests’

At the first-ever UN Chiefs of Defence Conference, the Secretary-General appealed to senior military officials for more troop contributions from states around the world and for political will and purpose. (more…)

Source: UN News Centre | Secretary-General calls on defence chiefs for 'unity and backing' on UN peacekeeping

30 March 2015

Draft treaty on transboundary collaboration between Rwanda, DRC and Uganda nearing completion

Experts from Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda convened in Kigali to discuss the Treaty of Transboundary Collaboration in the Greater Virunga Landscape. The consultation focused on harmonising comments on the text of the Treaty, taking into account sovereignty concerns of the states on whose territories the protected areas are located. The Treaty seeks to establish a permanent framework for cross-border cooperation to enhance conservation of the biodiversity and improve livelihood of communities in the Greater Virunga Landscape. (more…)

Source: Greater Virunga Transboundary Collaboration | Closing of the Consultations on GVTC Treaty at Grand Legacy Hotel in Kigali

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