Tag Archives: Afghanistan

5 December 2011

International Conference on Afghanistan opens in Bonn

Ten years after the 2001 Petersberg Conference, States have re-convened in Bonn to deliberate on the future of Afghanistan after the foreign troop withdrawal scheduled for 2014. While about 100 countries are attending the conference, Pakistan, one of the key players in the region, is boycotting the conference in protest of a NATO attack on a border checkpoint last month.

Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk

28 November 2011

Pakistan protests after NATO strike killing soldiers

NATO’s claim that it was retailing against gunfire from the Pakistani side of the border has been denied by Pakistan, which in return has lodged protests against both the United States and NATO in connection to the incident in which NATO air forces killed at least 25 soldiers in strikes against two military posts at the northwestern border with Afghanistan. Pakistan’s government already ordered the US to vacate an airbase used for drone strikes in Afghanistan, and announced that it would would “revisit and undertake a complete review of all programmes, activities and co-operative arrangements” with the US, and US-led forces in Afghanistan, “including diplomatic, political, military and intelligence”.

Source 1: Guardian – Pakistan orders US to leave airbase in row over deadly Nato assault

Source 2: NY Times – Tensions Flare Between U.S. and Pakistan After Strike

28 November 2011

Pakistani soldiers killed by ISAF air strikes in unclear circumstances

On Saturday 24 November 2011, 25 Pakistani soldiers were killed during air strikes conducted by Afghan and ISAF forces at the Pakistani border. While the incident is lifting up tensions between the US and Pakistan, its circumstances remains unclear. NATO is investigating the incident, including the possibility that it resulted from a communication problem. Possibly, NATO came under fire from insurgents at the border and mistakenly fired back at Pakistani soldiers.

Source 1: www.nytimes.com
Source 2: www.bbc.co.uk

28 November 2011

Afghan civilians killed during an ISAF operation

On Wednesday 23 November 2011, 7 Afghan civilians – including 6 children – were killed during a NATO airstrike in southern Afghanistan. According to the Afghan government, the strikes were targeting insurgents who entered an area were children were playing. The relatives of the victims, however, are contesting this version of the events and claim that ISAF indiscriminately killed civilians. NATO is investigating the incident.

Source: www.nytimes.com

8 September 2011

Torture Allegations Move NATO To Suspend Prisoner Transfers to Afghanistan

A pending U.N. report alleges that prisoners at some Afghan detention facilities have been beaten and, in some cases, given electric shocks. As a result, NATO has suspended detainee transfers to a number of questionable facilities until it can verify if the allegations are true.

Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk

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