Tag Archives: Al-Skeini

8 July 2011

Judgments against the United Kingdom concerning Iraq

In its Grand Chamber judgment in Al-Skeini and Others v. the United Kingdom, the CourtĀ decided that the United Kingdom was required to investigate the deaths of six civilians killed in Iraq in 2003 in incidents involving British soldiers. The Court also delivered its Grand Chamber judgment in Al-Jedda v. the United Kingdom, in which itĀ opined that the three-year internment of an Iraqi civilian by the British forces in Iraq had breached the Convention. In para. 80 of the latter case, dual or multiple attribution of the same conduct to the UN and a State was held to be possible. More information about these cases can be found in a blogpost on EJIL: Talk! by Marko Milanovic.

Source: http://www.echr.coe.int
