25 September 2013
France and Chili call on UNSC permanent members to renounce veto in situations of mass crimes
In his speech to the UN General Assembly, French President François Hollande proposed a ‘code of good conduct to for the Council’s permanent members: in the case of mass crimes they must renounce their right to a veto.’ Hollande said that in fields like security, proliferation, development and climate, ‘there is no worse danger than inaction’, and added that ‘It is the responsibility of the UN to act. And each time it reveals its impotence, peace loses.’
Also Chilean President Sebastián Piñera called for abandoning the veto of the five permanent members, and instituting a super-majority rule when adopting major decisions.
Source: UN News Centre | At UN, Chilean President tells permanent Security Council members to abandon veto
Source: International Law Prof Blog | France Calls on Permanent Members of the Security Council to Renounce Veto in Cases of Mass Crimes
Source: UN News Centre | France calls for strong UN resolution to enforce Syria’s surrender of chemical weapons