Tag Archives: Council of Europe

11 November 2013

Report of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe urges accountability mechanisms for international organisations

The Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe published a report on the accountability of international organisations for human rights violations. The report, written by Rapporteur Mr. José Maria Beneyto, Spain, Group of the European People’s Party, identifies lacunae in the protection of individuals against human rights infringements by international organisations. By virtue of the separate legal personalities of international organisations, their member states are in general not responsible for their acts. This opens an accountability gap, where the conferral of legal personality to international organisations is not accompanied by effective accountability mechanisms. Additionally, member states can use the organisations as a shield from liability. The report notes that the most serious challenges are the lack of fora where the individual could implement accountability of international organisations, as well as procedural obstacles, such as immunity before national courts.

The report offers a number of suggestions in response to these problems. For example, it suggests that organisations should waive immunity when it is not required to ensure the independent fulfillment of its functions. Additionally, the report urges international organisations to establish internal mechanisms for accountability of human rights violations.

Source: Council of Europe | Parliamentary Assembly | Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights | Accountability of international organisations for human rights violations

3 July 2012

Europe’s torture watchdog on shared responsibility of Belgium and the Netherlands for Tilburg prison

Belgium has for many years been struggling with significant prison overcrowding. The Netherlands, on the other hand, has in recent years seen its prisons gradually emptying due to a decline in crime, forcing the Dutch government to close eight of its prisons. The two countries came up with the obvious solution, although one never adopted before in Europe: Belgium would rent an already staffed and equipped prison in the Netherlands. The location chosen was Tilburg prison, which is quite close to the border with Belgium. (more…)

30 March 2012

‘Left to die’ boat reveals collective failure to rescue migrants at sea

This week, a committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe released a draft resolution and report on the fateful voyage of what has been dubbed the ‘left to die’ boat – a story that was first picked up by The Guardian. The tragedy involved a boat carrying 72 Sub-Saharan migrants who fled from the conflict in Libya in March 2011, but ran into trouble and, despite a distress call by satellite from the ship’s Ghanaian “captain” to an Eritrean priest living in Italy who alerted the Rome Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (Rome MRCC), eventually washed up on the shores of Libya 15 days later. By then, only 11 people were still alive. (more…)

21 September 2011

Update: Accession of the European Union to the European Convention on Human Rights

The final version of the draft legal instruments on the Accession of the European Union to the European Convention on Human Rights, released on 19 July 2011, can be found on the website of the Council of Europe.

Source: http://www.coe.int
