Tag Archives: genocide

14 July 2011

Goldhagen’s article on the special obligation of Jews in relation to genocide

In his latest article ‘In Sudan, Say ‘Never Again’, and Mean It’, Daniel Jonah Goldhagen, author of the book ‘Worse Than War: Genocide, Eliminationism, and the Ongoing Assault on Humanity’, observes that the perceived special obligation of Jews to combat genocide has long been linked to Jews having been the victims of the Holocaust. While their sympathy may be more quickly roused in the face of injustice, he argues that Jews do not have a moral duty greater than others. In fact, Jews and non-Jews alike share an absolute, universal duty to stop genocide.

Source: http://forward.com

5 July 2011

Dutch state responsible for three Srebrenica deaths

The Dutch state is responsible for the deaths of three Muslim men after the fall of Srebrenica during the 1992-5 Bosnian war, a Dutch appeals court ruled. The Court, in this groundbreaking judgment (only available in Dutch), explains that the notion of effective control determines who carries responsiblity for acts by troops acting in relation to an international organisation. It holds that more than one actor can exercise such control over troops, opening the way for a case of shared responsbility in which the Dutch State, irrespective of the effective control on the part of the UN, can be held responsible. 

Source: http://ca.reuters.com

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