Tag Archives: Kyoto Protocol

14 November 2013

New publication: ‘International Environmental Law and Distributive Justice: The Equitable Distribution of CDM Projects under the Kyoto Protocol’ (Routledge, 2013)

Tomilola Akanle Eni-Ibukun has published ‘International Environmental Law and Distributive Justice: The Equitable Distribution of CDM Projects under the Kyoto Protocol’. The abstract can be found here.

Source: Routledge | Books | International Environmental Law and Distributive Justice - The Equitable Distribution of CDM Projects under the Kyoto Protocol

6 December 2012

Ban Ki-moon: Rich countries are responsible for climate change

Rich countries are to blame for climate change and should take the lead in forging a global climate pact by 2015, a deadline that “must be met,” the head of the United Nations said on 5 December 2012. In addition, he said that it was “only fair and reasonable that the developed world should bear most of the responsibility” in fighting the gradual warming of the planet.

The comments were made as the Doha Climate Change Conference draws to a close on Friday 7 December 2012. It opened on Monday 26 November 2012 in Doha, Qatar to produce agreement on an extension of the Kyoto Protocol, which expires later this year.

Source: Guardian | Ban Ki-moon: rich countries are to blame for global warming

25 March 2012

EU Aviation scheme as a countermeasure against other ICAO member states?

The New York Times recently reported that China, the United States and two dozen other countries are looking at coordinated countermeasures against Europe — including putting pressure on European airlines and other industries — if the EU tries to enforce the EU Aviation Directive, that requires airlines to pay for their greenhouse gas emissions.

Much has been said on the legality of the Aviation Directive. Joshua Melzer just published a good analysis of the Directive and its WTO compatibility in the Journal of International Economic Law. In the ATA case, the ECJ considered its compatibility with customary international law (more…)

19 February 2012

States consider countermeasures against Europe, after Europe responds to collective failure to reduce greenhouse emissions from aviation

The New York Times reports that China, the United States and two dozen other countries are looking at coordinated countermeasures against Europe — including putting pressure on European airlines and other industries — if Europe tries to enforce a law requiring airlines to pay for their greenhouse gas emissions.

The European measures are in part a response to the failure of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to move quickly enough to establish standards and goals for greenhouse gases from aviation, as required under the Kyoto climate treaty 15 years ago. Article 2(2) of the Kyoto Protocol stipulates that Annex I parties ‘shall pursue limitation or reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol from aviation and marine bunker fuels, working through the International Civil Aviation Organization and the International Maritime Organization, respectively.’

Source: New York Times | Countries Seek Retaliation to Europe’s Carbon Tax on Airlines
