Tag Archives: NATO
25 April 2014
The Dutch Minister of Defence, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, maintains that the Netherlands does not facilitate illegal liquidations with drones by the United States and that the Dutch government has no indications that information gathered by the Dutch military intelligence agency (MIVD) was used for acts that violate international law. The statement by Hennis-Plasschaert is a reaction to the claim by former drone pilot, Brandon Bryant, that it is ‘unthinkable’ that the Dutch intelligence concerning Somalia has not been used by the US to conduct targeted killings of presumed terrorists. (more…)
Source: Volkskrant | Hennis herhaalt: Nederland werkt niet mee aan illegale drone-aanvallen
Source: NRC | ‘Nederland levert metadata voor Amerikaanse aanvallen met drones’
21 April 2014
The Nation reported that Pakistan’s Foreign Office Spokesperson, Tasnim Aslam, stated that protecting the Pakistan and Afghanistan border is the shared responsibility of both countries. Currently, Pakistan carries the burden of protecting and managing the border, with more than twelve hundred posts and surveillance undertakings. Aslam also stated that Pakistan is interested in introducing a biometric system, however, Pakistan wants equal measures to be taken by NATO and Afghanistan to manage the border.
Source: The Nation | Pakistan demands Kabul, NATO for strong measures for protection of Pak-Afghan border
3 April 2014
On 1 April 2014, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) ordered military commanders to draft plans in order to reinforce the defenses in Eastern Europe. The US already sent military aircrafts to increase air patrols over the Baltic nations. Further steps that will be taken to reassure Eastern European countries are expected to include sending more military equipment to Eastern European states, improving the capability of the rapid response forces, holding more military exercises and increasing the naval presence in the Baltic Sea. (more…)
Source: The New York Times | NATO to Firm Up Its Presence in Eastern Europe as It Halts Cooperation With Russia
Source: The Guardian | Nato moves to bolster eastern European defences against Russia
Source: Reuters | NATO suspends cooperation with Russia over Ukraine crisis
Source: The Washington Post | NATO allies pledge to beef up eastern defences
19 February 2014
According to Reuters, Russia and NATO are drawing up plans for an exceptional joint naval operation in the Mediterranean to protect the United States (US) ship that will destroy Syria’s deadliest chemical weapons at sea.
A source at the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and several NATO sources in Brussels confirmed that a joint operation to guard the ‘Cape Ray’ is under discussion. Under the plan being discussed, NATO and Russian warships would share the task of protecting the Cape Ray, a US cargo ship that will process at sea about 500 tonnes of chemicals that are too dangerous to deal with on land. NATO and Russia are reportedly still trying to iron out some issues such as a unified command structure, the rules of engagement, and response procedures in case the convoy faces danger. (more…)
Source: Reuters | Exclusive: Russia, NATO plan joint operation on Syria's chemical weapons
29 November 2013
Afghan President, Hamid Karzai angered about NATO drone strikes which had killed civilians in southern Afghanistan, lashed out at US allies. President Karzai stated, ‘[t]his attack shows that American forces do not respect the lives and security of the people of Afghanistan (…) For years, our people are being killed and their houses are being destroyed under the pretext of the war on terror.’ The drone strike in question killed at least one child and wounded two women.
This attack comes at a delicate time when negotiations between President Karzai and the United States regarding a bilateral security agreement are becoming more strained. The security agreement provides for a 10 year long presence of the American military in Afghanistan, and if President Karzai does not sign the agreement NATO troops will be completely withdrawn from Afghanistan. However, President Karzai wants new conditions to be added to the agreement, such as an immediate ban on raids of Afghan homes, before he will sign the agreement. President Karzai stated, ‘[f]or as long as such arbitrary acts and oppression of foreign forces continue, the security agreement with the United States will not be signed.’
Source: The New York Times | Afghan Leader Lashes Out at U.S. Allies After NATO Drone Strike
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