Tag Archives: NL
27 October 2013
Dutch Minister of Defence Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert has signed a letter of intent with her Belgian colleague Pieter De Crem for joint surveillance of the airspace of the Benelux (Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg) on 23 October 2013.
Currently, both Belgium and the Netherlands have separately jet-fighters and pilots on standby to intercept hostile aircrafts in their own airspace, as agreed to in the context of NATO. They both monitor the airspace of Luxembourg, who does not have its own air force. The cooperation is scheduled to begin in 2016, and will save manpower of both countries. Additionally, the Dutch Minister is of the opinion that extensive cooperation with the Belgian air force will guarantee worldwide operational capability of the Dutch air force.
Source: NOS | België en NL bewaken luchtruim (in Dutch)
Source: Rijksoverheid | Samenwerking België bij luchtruimbewaking (in Dutch - Supplement in English)
30 September 2013
Dutch foundation Urgenda is planning to sue the Dutch state for its failing climate change policy. The court summons (Dutch only) will be presented to the state on 23 October. The plaintiffs claim there rests an obligation upon the Netherlands to reduce its CO2-emissions with 25-40 percent by 2020 compared to emission levels in 1990, in order to prevent damage to the global environment and violations of international human rights law. Various reports suggest that a 25-40 percent reduction is required of all industrialised states in order to have a real chance at limiting the global temperature rise to 2 degrees Celsius.
Urgenda will ask of the Dutch courts to declare that the Netherlands is acting wrongfully by failing to take the necessary measures to achieve a reduction percentage of 25-40 percent, and to order the Netherlands to (i) take the necessary measures to achieve this reduction percentage and (ii) inform Dutch citizens about the risks of climate change.
Source: NOS | Klimaatorganisatie klaagt staat aan (in Dutch)
Source: Wij willen actie | Over de rechtszaak (in Dutch)
23 September 2013
The Dutch television news programme Brandpunt Reporter revealed a long-standing disagreement between the Netherlands and the United States about the liability of the US in case of a possible accident involving US nuclear weapons that are present on a military base in Volkel, the Netherlands.
The US reportedly has refused to enter into an agreement with the Netherlands concerning the financial consequences of a possible nuclear accident connected to the storage or air transport of US weapons. According to an expert interviewed by the programme, an accident occurring during an air transport is a realistic scenario, since these weapons are being transported regularly.
Brandpunt Reporter also revealed that the US and the Netherlands have set up a working group entitled ‘Netherlands United States Standing Operations Group’ in order to prepare the NL for a possible accident with a US nuclear weapon.
Source: TV-visie | 'Brandpunt Reporter' over ruzie Nederland en VS rond atoombommen | 11 september 2013 (in Dutch)
9 September 2013
The Dutch company Royal HaskoningDHV has terminated its involvement in a sewage construction project in East Jerusalem because it would violate international law. It was earlier reported that the Dutch government had advised the company to withdraw from the project in view of the possible conflict with international law. The Palestinian Authority welcomed the decision. The Israeli government contested that the project would violate international law.
Source: Reformatorisch Dagblad | Nederlandse ingenieurs weg uit Oost-Jeruzalem (in Dutch)
7 September 2013
On 6 September 2013, the Dutch Supreme Court confirmed that the Netherlands was responsible in relation to the death of three Bosnians in Srebrenica. Finding no ground for cassation, it upheld the 2011 decisions of the Court of Appeal of The Hague, concluding the last stage of proceedings in the important cases of Nuhanović and Mustafić. These cases are remarkable in that a remedy is finally provided to some victims, but also because they comport a number of important findings for the debate on the shared responsibility of States and international organizations for the conduct of peacekeepers. Notably, the Supreme Court unequivocally recognizes the possibility of multiple attribution, notably under the test of effective control (para 3.11.2). (more…)
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