Tag Archives: Nuclear Weapons
23 September 2013
The Dutch television news programme Brandpunt Reporter revealed a long-standing disagreement between the Netherlands and the United States about the liability of the US in case of a possible accident involving US nuclear weapons that are present on a military base in Volkel, the Netherlands.
The US reportedly has refused to enter into an agreement with the Netherlands concerning the financial consequences of a possible nuclear accident connected to the storage or air transport of US weapons. According to an expert interviewed by the programme, an accident occurring during an air transport is a realistic scenario, since these weapons are being transported regularly.
Brandpunt Reporter also revealed that the US and the Netherlands have set up a working group entitled ‘Netherlands United States Standing Operations Group’ in order to prepare the NL for a possible accident with a US nuclear weapon.
Source: TV-visie | 'Brandpunt Reporter' over ruzie Nederland en VS rond atoombommen | 11 september 2013 (in Dutch)
7 January 2013
On 14 December, the Dutch Supreme Court (Hoge Raad der Nederlanden) ruled that the Dutch Sanction regulation, that was intended to give effect to UN Security Council Resolution 1737, violated the prohibition of discrimination under Article 26 ICCPR.
Resolution 1737 imposed sanctions on Iran in connection with the Iranian nuclear programme. Implementing the Resolution, the Netherlands blocked access of Iranian nationals to specialised education that could contribute to nuclear activities/developing nuclear weapons. The Supreme Court found that the State did not do everything it could to harmonise the obligations it has under international law. The Court referred in this context to the judgment of the ECtHR in the case of Nada v. Switzerland (12 September 2012, application no. 10593/08).
Source: Hoge Raad | Judgment, 14 December 2012 | LJN: BX8351 | 11/03521 (in Dutch)
Source: Sanctieregeling tegen Iraniërs maakt onnodig onderscheid (Press Release in Dutch)
16 October 2012
The European Union (EU) is to impose new sanctions on Iran for its lack of cooperation in disclosing details about its nuclear program, which is suspected to be used as a cover for the development of nuclear weapons. The sanctions will likely include a ban of financial transactions between European and Iranian banks and certain trade bans. They follow earlier sanctions imposed by both the United States and the EU.
Source: BBC | EU imposes new sanctions on Iran