Tag Archives: RFMO

22 August 2014

Samoa small island conference draft outcome document calls on implementing shared responsibilities under RFMOs for its benefit

The UN expects over 300 initiatives to be announced at the Third UN Conference on Small Island Developing States aimed at fostering partnerships with small island developing states, which will take place from 1 to 4 September 2014. The Conference’s Secretary-General, Wu Hongbo, said that with much of the political work already agreed on, participants can focus on how to take these decisions forward and on generating sustainable partnerships. (more…)

Source: SAMOA Parthway | A/CONF.223/3 | Draft outcome document of the third International Conference on Small Island Developing States | 17 July 2014
Source: UN News Centre | UN expects upcoming Samoa small island conference to generate vital partnerships

29 May 2013

Is there a major role for the law of responsibility in international fisheries management? – Commentary (2)

Symposium on the Law of the Sea and the Law of Responsibility, cross-posted on Opinio Juris

Takei asks whether there is a role for responsibility in international fisheries management, and he proceeds to reply -correctly so- in the affirmative. The blog eloquently presents all possible scenarios, in terms of the law of fisheries, wherein issues of state responsibility might arise. Therefore the purpose of this comment will be to highlight some questions from the viewpoint of the law of responsibility. Two intertwined points merit closer scrutiny. The first relates to the primary rules and the second to the application of the rules on responsibility. (more…)
