Tag Archives: SHARES Lecture Series

11 June 2012

SHARES Lecture: ‘The future of the UN climate change regime: options for the Durban platform negotiations’, by Professor Bodansky

On 11 June 2012, Professor Daniel Bodansky will give a SHARES lecture on the topic of: ‘The future of the UN climate change regime: options for the Durban platform negotiations’.

Professor Bodansky is Lincoln Professor of Law, Ethics and Sustainability at Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law. He an expert on global climate change whose teaching and research focus on international environmental law and public international law. (more…)

15 March 2012

SHARES Lecture: ‘Burden sharing in international refugee law’, by Professor Chimni

Professor Bhupinder S. Chimni will provide a lecture on ‘burden sharing in international refugee law’ as part of the SHARES lecture series. The principle of burden sharing requires states to cooperate in dealing with the global refugee problem. In his book International Refugee Law: A Reader he argues that it is not merely a moral but a legal principle. (more…)

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