Tag Archives: Syria

12 March 2013

US, French and British troops train Syrian rebels in Jordan

According to news reports, United States (US), French and British troops train Syrian rebels in the east and south of Jordan. While the Pentagon had already confirmed in October 2012 that US special forces and military advisers had trained select Syrian rebels together with the Jordanian military in the summer of 2012, the British and French Defense Ministries have not yet commented on their involvement in the training activities. In a statement made on 6 March 2013, however, British Foreign Minister William Hague revealed a wide understanding of the EU arms embargo against Syria, explaining that ‘technical assistance can include assistance, advice and training on how to maintain security in areas no longer controlled by the regime, on co-ordination between civilian and military councils, on how to protect civilians and minimize the risks to them, and how to maintain security during a transition’.

Source: The Guardian | West training Syrian rebels in Jordan
Source: RT | US, UK and France training Syrian rebels in Jordan - reports
Source: Der Spiegel | US-Unterstützung im Bürgerkrieg: Heimliches Waffentraining für Syriens Rebellen (in German)

6 March 2013

One million people have fled Syria to neighbouring states

The United Nations refugee agency, the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) reports that one million people have fled Syria, in particular to Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan, Egypt and Iraq. Since 1 January 2013, the number has risen with more than 400.000.

International donors have pledged 1.5 billion Dollar for a UN response plan to help the displaced people, but only 25 per cent of this has been funded.

Source: Reuters | One million refugees have fled Syria: U.N.
Source: UNHCR - The UN Refugee Agency | Number of Syrian refugees reaches 1 million mark

28 February 2013

Croatian weapons financed by Saudi Arabia moved through Jordan to antigovernment fighters in Syria

The New York Times reports that Saudi Arabia financed a large purchase of infantry weapons from Croatia, which were secretly moved through Jordan to antigovernment fighters in Syria, according to United States (US) and Western officials familiar with the purchases. It is suggested by a Croatian newspaper that the US were possibly the intermediary.

The weapons supposedly included ammunition and ‘thousands of rifles and hundreds of machine guns’. Swiss-made hand grenades (that were provided to the United Arab Emirates) and Ukrainian-made rifle cartridges (that were purchased by Saudi Arabia) have also been found in the possession of rebels in Syria.

Source: The New York Times | Saudis Step Up Help for Rebels in Syria With Croatian Arms

29 January 2013

Israel threatens to strike if Syria transfers chemical weapons

Israeli officials have maintained that Israel could launch a pre-emptive strike if Syria transfers chemical weapons to Hezbollah or al-Qaeda groups. There is growing concern that the government in Syria might lose control over its chemical weapons due to the on-going struggle in the country. In a movement characterized by military officials as ‘routine’, the Israeli army has moved its Iron Dome rocket defense system to Haifa, close to the border with Lebanon.

Source: The New York Times | Israel Girds for Attacks as Syria Falls Apart
Source: The Huffington Post | Israel Syria Strike: Chemical Weapons Transfer Could Bring Israeli Military Attack, Official Warns

22 January 2013

NATO Patriot missiles arriving in Turkey

NATO Patriot missiles began arriving at the Turkish border with Syria on 21 January 2013. The missiles are intended to protect Turkey from a potential Syrian attack. Turkey had formally requested protection from NATO last November. Six missile batteries are provided by Germany, the Netherlands and the US, which are amongst the few NATO members in possession of these advanced air protection systems.

Source: Reuters | NATO Patriot missiles arrive in Turkey to counter Syria risks

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