Tag Archives: Syria
14 February 2012
After the latest double veto against a Security Council (SC) Resolution to take action against the crackdown in Syria, the Arab League has now called for a joint UN-Arab peace mission. In doing so, the League stated that a “special responsibility” rests on the League, due to the failure of the SC to reach an agreement. On the UN side, the General Assembly (GA) has taken up discussion of a resolution similar to the one which was vetoed in the SC. High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, addressed the GA on Monday and again stressed that Syria has manifestly failed to assume its responsibility to protect and responsibility now lies with the international community. She added that it is likely that crimes against humanity are taking place and that she has requested the SC to refer the situation to the International Criminal Court.
Source: UN News Centre | UN human rights chief urges General Assembly to act now to protect Syrians
Source: BBC | Syria unrest: Arab League observer mission head quits
23 January 2012
Russia has signed a contract to sell combat jets to Syria in a show of support for President Bashar Assad’s regime, as reported on Monday by the Russian business newspaper Kommersant. The UN says that more than 5,400 have died during the civil unrest in Syria over the past 10 months.
Source: http://www.guardian.co.uk
13 December 2011
Speaking at a closed session of the UN Security Council, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay said that the situation in Syria should be referred to the International Criminal Court over its crackdown on anti-government protests. Pillay estimated the number of those killed by Syrian security forces at 5,000, including 300 children.
Source: www.bbc.co.uk – Syria should be referred to ICC, UN’s Navi Pillay says
23 November 2011
After the suspension of Syria from the Arab League a week earlier, yesterday a large majority of states in the Third Committee (human rights) of the UN General Assembly voted in favour of a resolution condemning the crackdown of the Syrian government on its people (122 states in favour, 13 against and 41 abstentions). The resolution was introduced by Britain, France and Germany and received strong regional support from Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Morocco, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. The resolution is not legally binding, but puts great diplomatic pressure on Syria to reassume its responsibility to protect and immediately end the grave human rights violations which have been taking place since the start of the uprising against the regime.
Source: http://www.un.org
21 November 2011
The Arab League has rejected a demand by Syria to alter its plan for ending the country’s conflict, which has reportedly left at least 3,500 dead. Since Wednesday 16 November 2011, Syria’s membership in the Arab League has been suspended.
Source: www.bbc.co.uk/news
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