Tag Archives: Syria

6 March 2014

UN human rights investigators: world powers responsible for allowing war crimes to persist

All sides in the Syrian civil war are committing war crimes and the world powers bear responsibility for allowing these crimes to endure, stated UN human rights investigators on 5 March 2014. Their latest report on atrocities committed in Syria urges the Security Council to refer grave violations of humanitarian law to the International Criminal Court. It said that ‘the Security Council bears responsibility for allowing the warring parties to violate these rules with impunity.’ The independent investigators said that both sides in the conflict have been supported by the disagreeing world powers and that the diplomatic impasse has worsened the atrocities. They stated that not just the fighters and their commanders can be held accountable for the war crimes, but states which transfer arms to Syria as well.

Source: Reuters | World powers responsible for failing to stop Syria war crimes: U.N.

2 March 2014

Joint UN-OPCW mission confirms removal of mustard gas shipment from Syria

The Joint Mission of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and the United Nations confirmed on 26 February 2014 that a shipment of Syria’s reserve of mustard gas has left the country. The Special Coordinator of the Joint Mission, Sigrid Kaag, stated that the shipment is an ‘important step’ in the destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons arsenal. Following international outrage over a sarin gas attack on civilians in August 2013, the Joint Mission was installed to supervise Syria’s compliance with its obligation to renounce its chemical weapons, agreed to by Assad after negotiations led by the United States and Russia. (more…)

Source: UN News Centre - Joint UN-OPCW mission welcomes mustard gas shipment out of Syria as ‘important step’
Source: Reuters | Syria agrees new April target to remove chemicals: diplomats

19 February 2014

Russia and NATO plan joint operation to protect US vessel carrying Syria’s chemical weapons

According to Reuters, Russia and NATO are drawing up plans for an exceptional joint naval operation in the Mediterranean to protect the United States (US) ship that will destroy Syria’s deadliest chemical weapons at sea.

A source at the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and several NATO sources in Brussels confirmed that a joint operation to guard the ‘Cape Ray’ is under discussion. Under the plan being discussed, NATO and Russian warships would share the task of protecting the Cape Ray, a US cargo ship that will process at sea about 500 tonnes of chemicals that are too dangerous to deal with on land. NATO and Russia are reportedly still trying to iron out some issues such as a unified command structure, the rules of engagement, and response procedures in case the convoy faces danger. (more…)

Source: Reuters | Exclusive: Russia, NATO plan joint operation on Syria's chemical weapons

11 February 2014

Syria’s government and opposition open new round in peace negotiations

A second round of Syria peace talks started on 10 February 2014. For the first time, representatives of the armed opposition groups were also present. Beforehand, the mediator Lakhdar Brahimi told the parties to commit to discussing an end to the fighting as well as setting up a transitional government. There is little evidence of political will and trust, as both sides maintain their firm positions. The mediator will meet the two parties separately over the next few days, in order to improve the atmosphere. He plans to meet United States and Russian officials on 14 February, in what analysts consider an attempt to overcome the strong disagreement in the international community over the conflict.

In the meantime, humanitarian agencies are evacuating civilians from the old city of Homs, made possible by a cease-fire, which has been extended until 12 February. An attempt initiated by France to draw up a draft Security Council Resolution in order to increase access to humanitarian aid was hampered by the absence of Russia and China in the negotiations.

Source: The New York Times | As Second Round of Syrian Talks Begins, U.N.’s Mediator Steps Cautiously
Source: Reuters | Second round of Syria talks makes faltering start

10 February 2014

OHCHR states that both the Syrian government and the opposition forces are guilty of committing war crimes by using civilian suffering

Government forces, pro-government forces and armed opposition groups are employing civilian suffering as a method of warfare by starvation, denying humanitarian relief, targeting civilians, subjecting them to inhumane treatment and committing other human rights violations. This statement, issued by the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, is based on the reports of six unpaid independent experts appointed by the Human Rights Council. ‘The acts being committed amount to crimes against humanity, carried out as a deliberate and systematic effort to cause civilian suffering. They also constitute war crimes and serious violations of customary international humanitarian law which binds all parties,’ they stated. The rapporteurs urge all parties to stop using civilian suffering as a method for warfare and to ensure immediate humanitarian relief.

Source: UN News Centre | Both sides in Syria guilty of war crimes in ‘systematic effort to cause civilian suffering’ – UN experts

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